
Presenting 20,000,000 fragments, from Japan to all of you The spirit of Japanese delicacy, Japanese craftsmanship and Japanese hospitality Adding our naïve efforts and the at most creativity we have now, to all the many things we have learned through the project called 20,000,000 fragments20,000,000 fragments [ 20mf ] is a fashion brand produced by Gas As Interface .,Co.Ltd (Tokyo,Japan) The brand started from the ’06-07 A/W collection.

“20,000,000 fragments.” In a lifetime, we have endless thoughts, things we could do, people we meet, and clothes we wear. The importance of keeping vast but finite elements close to our hearts. Our message is the new creations brought to life when these elements we call fragments meet. As we take on craftsmanship with sincerity and seriousness, our hopes is for our garments to become a “elegance” fragment in a person’s life and be loved for a long long time ahead.